티스토리 뷰

《Musical Instrument Song》

Drums tippity tappity boom. 
The sound it fills up the room. 
Sha-ki-ty shake goes the tambourine. 
Let’s tap, let’s shake, let’s move! 
Sing into the mic. Strum the guitar if you like.
Play a song, dance along! 
Let’s sing, let’s dance, let’s move!

《Colors Song》

Do you see the color red, the color orange, The color green, do you see the color yellow? 
Find them all with me. 
The microphone is green and red. 
The headphones are all blue. 
The piano, oh so colorful, the tambourine is, too! 
The microphone is green and red. 
The headphones are all blue. 
The piano, oh so colorful, the tambourine is, too!

《Physical Song》

Clap your hands, stomp your feet. 
Dance and wiggle to the beat. 
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Eyes and ears and mouth and nose! 
Spin around, reach up high All the way up to the sky. 
Wave your arms from side to side, Wave your hands hello, good bye!

'소소한 육아일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

아이리버 IA1000 상품평 (후기)  (0) 2018.10.31
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[레이]10월 4일 목요일   (0) 2018.10.04
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